When faced with criminal charges, getting help from a skilled criminal defense consultant can prepare you for what’s ahead with your legal case. A criminal defense consultant is a legal professional who focuses on helping defendants accused of committing crimes. Their...
White-collar crime tactical planning consists of research and deep dig advice on all facets of white-collar and entity criminal defense. It’s beneficial because you’re working with professionals who have experience handling your case type. Not just lawyers, but...
Public Perception, even perception with expertise is a strange thing. Too often, successful capitalists hit a bump in the road – a seemingly insignificant, quite manageable challenge and gigantically overreact. So much so that the behavior responses are outright...
State and federal prosecutors receive criminal defendant referrals from all types of people. Banks, accountants, lawyers, judgment announcements, angry clients, media editors, bankruptcy filings, and just plain old bird-dogging. Civil litigation often brings...
When I was in prison, a program called Restorative Justice was offered. It was organized by Bridges to Life, a group out of Houston with a local chapter in Colorado. This was about 10 years ago and it’s safe to say that the 3-month group class deeply impacted me. I...
Q|Nav, LLC recently received the following communication from a powerful local official, and in this business, when the opposing team offers its compliments, it’s noteworthy. That is why we’re excited to share this firsthand account with you here. Mr. Hoover, I have...