White-collar crime tactical planning consists of research and deep dig advice on all facets of white-collar and entity criminal defense. It’s beneficial because you’re working with professionals who have experience handling your case type. Not just lawyers, but workers who have been in your shoes.

Examples of white-collar charges or allegations include:

  • Securities regulations violations
  • Securities fraud
  • Theft
  • RICO 
  • Money laundering
  • SEC specific related violations
  • Misappropriation of funds
  • Other similar acts

Benefits of Hiring a White-Collar Crime Team Manager

Extensive Knowledge of the Criminal Justice System

White-collar crimes include healthcare fraud, embezzlement, Ponzi schemes, mortgage fraud, and money laundering.

 White-collar crime experts have spent numerous years offering legal advice as well as having deep knowledge of the criminal justice system. These experienced professionals  have previously managed cases like yours and stay in the know of changes in criminal code amendments and regulations. This means that a consultant can review your case, find strengths and weaknesses, and determine the chance of success.

Moreover, white-collar crime advisors have strong research skills, a profound understanding of financial transactions, an analytical attitude, and often know the other sides of negotiating settlements on your behalf. With a white-collar crime manager on your team, you can be sure that your case is in capable hands.

Clarify the Whole Process 

You might not completely understand how your case will proceed if you have been charged with white-collar crime. A lawyer will explain every minute detail of the legal proceedings, so you realize what to expect. Your consultant will also explain any fines you may have to pay. 

Handle the Paperwork

Without the right documents, filed at the right time, in the right courtroom, your defense will start to fall apart.

A white-collar crime consulting professional is familiar with the paperwork needed to build a strong defense. Throughout your court case, your consultant will submit various documents in court. These may include affidavits, pleadings, briefs, and motions. Each document serves a distinct purpose and is vital in building a solid defense.

Keep Things Moving Smoothly

Being a defendant in a legal case and trying to navigate the bureaucracy of the court system can be daunting. White-collar crime consultants can help keep things moving smoothly. If you’re dealing with a white-collar crime charge, partnering with a white-collar crime consulting company with a rich and extensive network of resources is vital.

Preparing Your Defense

One of the biggest benefits of hiring a white-collar crime consulting team is its ability to construct a solid defense strategy. Many factors can influence someone to commit a white-collar crime. It’s the consultant’s responsibility to help you before, during, and after your legal case. 

Experienced White Collar Crime Consulting 

A white-collar crime consultant possesses comprehensive knowledge of the criminal justice system and can help you through the legal process from indictment to trial.Our executive defense team has successfully represented CEOs of Fortune 500 companies to top management and owners of private enterprises. Wherever you’re at in your legal case, our experienced white-collar crime consulting team has the knowledge to deliver positive results.