Executive Defense Services
White Collar Criminal Defense ConsultantsWhether you’re in the indictment, pre-trial stage, negotiating a plea, or at trial, the Q|Nav team possesses the insider knowledge that’s necessary to achieve positive outcomes.
White Collar
Why We are Uniquely Qualified to Assist White Collar Defendants
If you are a white collar criminal defendant, chances are that you (and your family) are overwhelmed and far outside your wheelhouse. Without highly specialized assistance, you and your lawyer may be faced with devastating consequences and all the trauma that comes with it. Whether you’re in the indictment, pre-trial stage, negotiating a plea, or at trial, the Q|Nav team possesses the insider knowledge that’s necessary to achieve positive outcomes. We suggest that you ESPECIALLY INSPECT the three vital portals: 1, 2, and 3 on our site.
We Have Successfully Represented F500 CEOs and Top Management Cradle to Grave
Q|Nav founder Will Hoover has walked in your shoes and understands the eye-opening process that white collar criminal defendants undergo. Mr. Hoover was a 30-year veteran in the financial services industry as a CEO when he went through criminal proceedings that uprooted his life. Now, he is in a position to help executive defendants navigate the criminal justice system. If you’re facing white collar charges or allegations regarding securities REGULATIONS VIOLATIONS, SECURITIES fraud, theft, RICO (including individual states’ versions of RICO), money laundering, or similar acts, you’ll need a highly specialized team on your side. Our executive defendant team has the expertise to provide full-service civil proceeding expert witness consultancy. Here’s a glimpse of our goals and what we do for our white collar defendant clients:
Work with the accused client, their legal team, administrative team, family, and others as often as necessary.
Formulate a plan dependent upon extensive data gathering, discovery review, interviews with witnesses and victims, and prosecution objectives.
Our plea goals are to significantly reduce the counts, charging, sentencing range, and stipulated sentencing that affect the executive criminal defendant. To achieve your plea goals, we’ll assist your legal team with the delicate art of negotiating effectively with DAs and AUSAs.
Our trial strategy often includes providing expert testimony to demonstrate the reality of executive transactions, business practices, investor stress, and more to the jury and court. Providing a clear understanding to persons unfamiliar with business culture can often make the difference between winning and losing your case.
Executive Criminal Defendants
A Q|Nav Original Story
Securities laws, intentionally vague fraud and misappropriation rules and statutes reveal the disadvantages which the executive level criminal defendant faces. Add a major dose of lawyer inexperience, PR miscues, and defendant (family-associates) fear of the unknown — and the recipe for failure dominates the landscape.
Executive Recovery Partners LLC of 2003… Q|Nav’s present day executive portal
eXrP was established by our founder Will Hoover while he was highly restricted on bond awaiting his trial.
Word got out to certain high-level CEOs that Will had organized his firm to help other white – collar type criminal defendants in specialized and unique ways.
Will teamed up with a lawyer and a nationally recognized public relations expert, Charlie Russell to help potential clients and their teams of experts build walls of defense otherwise unheard of.
For example, an exceptionally hot topic for public companies and officers in the early 2000s (passed in 2002) is the Sarbanes – Oxley Act, a federal law that established “sweeping auditing and financial regulations for public companies.”
The main areas that the Act is focused upon are:
- Increasing criminal punishment
- Accounting regulation
- New shareholder protections
- Corporate responsibility
A southern U.S. based Fortune | Forbes 500 health care company, its CEO and several high-level executives became caught up in the S-A web of rules and regulations alleged violations.
With court approval, Mr. Hoover and team traveled to the headquarters city and commenced the intense discovery of facts and allegations including extensive interviews with the CEO, corporate lawyers, and chief internal compliance officers.
ExRp’s unique set of skills, experience and winning formula resulted in major civil and criminal reductions and penalties for its personal and corporate client and assisted executives with detailed preparations for sentencing, family financial planning, facility placement and proactive public relations.
[note] We are happy to provide more disclosure to qualified parties upon request.

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Contact us to request a free and confidential consultation.
Q|Nav, LLC | Will Hoover
PO Box 8928
Surprise, AZ 85374
The Point at Inverness
8310 South Valley Hwy, Ste. 300
Centennial, CO 80112
Email: contact∂qnav-llc.com
Phone: 720-530-7581
The Pitch at The Wharf
800 Main Street, Ste. 200
Washington DC 20024
Email: contact∂qnav-llc.com
Phone: 720-530-7581