Read What Clients are Saying About Q|NavBelow is a selection of testimonials for your review. Please contact us for complete listing of client and family statements of support.
We are happy to put qualified prospective clients in touch with all references – clients, families, attorneys, and advocates.
The following client stories were offered between 2020-2023. We plan to refresh client stories each quarter beginning with Q1 2024.

“From a life sentence to home with my wife and kids, all due to Mr. Hoover’s expertise and caring.”
My family and I are so honored to help Mr. Hoover and his wonderful team of experts and professionals. Because of him and his team I am home! I met Will in prison 4 years ago in 2017. Our families became close and after losing all appeals and postconviction petitions, we asked Will and one of his lawyers to help.
At 45 my punishment was an effective life sentence – without help I would die in prison. Will started investigating and reading and studying the special rules and statutes which supported the state’s case against me.
He discovered obscure state rules, statutes, and case law which he believed could lay the groundwork for the investigations and research into the government’s evidentiary case against me.
Then, we secured a lawyer and investigator in another country to hunt for the records which would ultimately exonerate me and release me from prison.
While still incarcerated himself, Mr. Hoover drafted a compact motion to lay out our discovery of new evidence which could have not been discovered at time of trial. The petition succeeded and a hearing was granted within weeks. Then he hired the perfect lawyer to argue my new evidence and the hearing went great.
The prosecution was permitted a few weeks to fight my allegations but offered the court only a modicum of resistance. At the hearing, the judge admonished the prosecution and Das and granted our relief which mandated the vacate of the sentence with prejudice – meaning the state could not re-prosecute me.
Like I said, I am home with my family and living the life I dreamed of. Will worked for 15 years as a jailhouse lawyer and while he’s not an attorney, he understood and cared for his fellow prisoners like a traditional lawyer never could. Living in the glass house of prison units and pods there is no hiding from his clients. The work, effort and results have to be A+ — client expectations honest and reasonable.
From a life sentence to home with my wife and kids all due to Mr. Hoover’s expertise and caring.
Thank you for this opportunity to offer some personal history and our wonderful success story. Mr. Hoover is family and we love him.

“From the first phone call to Will Hoover I felt a wonderful feeling that we were going to be in very good hands. The care and compassion was evident from the very beginning. He gave us hope again and we finally felt heard.”
We are so grateful for QNAV and what they’ve done and are continuing to do for my husband and our family. We have never experienced such dedication and support from anyone in the legal field thus far. It’s been
over a decade of pure despair and disregard for us, until Will Hoover came into our lives.
He has been an absolute pleasure to work with and wonderful to have as our advocate / advisor. He has taken the time to get to know us, driven to see my husband several times in person and met with me on many
occasions throughout. He has gone above and beyond anything we have ever experienced and worked with before.
From the preliminary reports of the case to every update we have received we have been informed and everything has been put as high priority and thoroughly investigated. I can say that from the moment we
met we had a very strong connection with the same beliefs, and views. I knew right away God orchestrated this and put us in each other’s lives. He is now a part of our family.
QNAV and the team has worked diligently for us since day one and we can’t thank them enough for finding justice and the truth for my husband and our family.
Much appreciation and gratitude,
The Garcia Family.
“In the last four years, Q|Nav has gotten further than any of our appeals lawyers. Our family has actually had the first sign of hope in 15 years!”
In 2007, my brother was convicted of 2 counts of vehicular homicide and 2 counts of EIM or extreme indifference murder. From the beginning, no one could understand why my brother was being charged with EIM. In fact, after interviews with jury members, they themselves didn’t understand the EIM charge, but convicted, anyway.
Since 2017, Q|Nav has been working feverishly with the courts, the governor’s office, & other entities to address the issue of Arapahoe County’s over charges of this case. In the last four years Q|Nav has gotten further than any of our appeals lawyers. Our family has actually had the first sign of hope in 15 years!
QNav has assisted many incarcerated inmates & families in their fight for criminal justice. In fact, inmates have been released due to the fight & tenacity of Q|Nav.
The Reynolds Family

“The team at Q|Nav began discussing strategies for a criminal appeal prior to hire and began work on an unresolved civil issue within the first week.”
Will Hoover and the team at Q|Nav are an exceptional group. I have been working with them now since February 2021. The team at Q|Nav began discussing strategies for a criminal appeal prior to hire and began work on an unresolved civil issue within the first week.
Mr. Hoover’s personal history with the Colorado criminal justice system has allowed him to understand how the system works and has motivated his drive to succeed where others would fail.
The legal and investigative team at Q|Nav has been aggressive, timely, and kept me well informed. Mr. Hoover has the unique ability to form new relationships and build upon established ones. He has developed several ties with top players in the community and legal system. Will benefits his clients by utilizing these ties to affect change for his clients, the community, and within the justice system. Q|Nav holds a unique place as a group that strives on integrity, fairness, and promoting positive change.
I would not hesitate to refer a client or friend to Q|Nav.
Ray A.
“Will Hoover and his team at Q|Nav have been helping me handle matters in the court and assisting with my executive clemency application. “
As I have sat here in prison for the last 19 years, I always contemplated how I can get legal help that is at a reasonable price since most of us cannot afford high priced attorneys.
I have learned the ins and outs of the law library and court system over the past 19 years, and to say the least, our court system is corrupt! With that being said, all of us incarcerated at some point need help to fight the corrupt legal system we find ourselves in. Having an advocate / legal team is crucial for those still fighting their cases.
Q|Nav has been helping me fight the court system for the last year and having someone on the streets helping me with my case is crucial. My friend Will Hoover and his team at Q|Nav have been helping me handle matters in the court and assisting with my executive clemency application. My good friend Will experienced the prison system as we have and has seen the problems with the courts and understands how to navigate through the system. Most people that have never been in prison will never understand how important it is to have someone with knowledge to navigate through the courts. Q|Nav will help you fight your case and if any of you are good with the criminal legal system, please get out and help this organization to give back and help other inmates get out of prison and navigate through the criminal courts.
God Bless,
Danny R.

“God helped me find Q|Nav, LLC. They have given us hope again.”
My son and my life!
My son got wrongfully accused 18 years ago and was sentenced to a life without parole sentence. We hired an attorney to appeal his case, and we paid lots of money for this attorney to do absolutely nothing for us.
My heart was shattered. I was given very little hope of help for my son. We have gone 4 times a week to visit my son between my husband, my parents, his wife, and my siblings. We have missed very few visits to keep my son motivated to live and give him some hope. In my mind, my hope was fading and it gets super hard to concentrate and keep up my faith and hope Because of my faith, I do believe things happen for a reason, and God will help us in time.
God helped me find Q|Nav, LLC. They have given us hope again. Q|Nav LLC had done a 35c on my son that has helped us get another lawyer and possibly a court date. While this is still in the works, Q Nav has given my family and my son lots of support, and lots of positive feedback. If I’m feeling down and out, I can pick up the phone and any of the staff will talk to me and make me feel like we have hope.
While their action has given us another lawyer, they stand by to see if Q|Nav needs to jump in and help again. I’m not sure what I would do without them. They have given me hope again.
I would recommend Q|Nav LLC to anyone that is in need of help to free a loved one.
I feel so blessed to have this group in my corner and in my life. My whole family is in agreement with me.
Thank You, Q|Nav LLC!
“I have been incarcerated for 27 years now and never has anyone listened to my side.”
William Hoover at QNAV LLC has been helping me and my family on my case and medical issues for quite some time now. He has been a tremendous help and is a man of his word who goes above and beyond to help anyone he can. He is a person who genuinely cares about truth and justice. I have been incarcerated for 27 years now and never has anyone listened to my side. He has investigated my case to the fullest and sees that there was a great injustice done. He has worked harder for me and my family than any of my prior attorneys in the last 25 years. I have the greatest respect for him and for what he is doing to help not only myself, but everyone that reaches out to him.
“Mr. Hoover has a great rapport with the staff where I am, and is able to make things happen due to the professionalism he brings forth.”
My name is Scott, I’ve been down for 12 years this December. I learned about Mr. Hoover through references by my attorney, and he had stated that I should talk to Mr. Hoover about helping me in my case. With my health issues in decline, I made a choice to speak with Mr. Hoover and decided to proceed with his help. Mr. Hoover has a great rapport with the staff where I am, and is able to make things happen due to the professionalism he brings forth.
My attorney has written a proportionality motion adding Mr. Hoover’s knowledge and skills with the DA and ADA. To date my case is under review. Since Mr. Hoover and QNAV were hired to represent me, they have done a full review of my sentence and a plan is in place for release.
Mr. Hoover presents himself as an honest man who cares for people. He has come down here twice for myself, as well as for several other inmates he represents, spending the amount of time it takes to get the task at hand done. Mr. Will Hoover is in good standing with a lot of wardens, Majors, Lts, and case managers. The biggest supporting factor about Mr. Hoover is the fact that he is a child of God.
“Q|Nav is in the business of giving real hope and delivering results. Not fake promises.”
I have known Will Hoover, the CEO of Q|Nav LLC for over 15 years. I consider him a friend and a brother.
In that time, he has battled the court system to truly uncover injustice and lead the charge for justice for men like me. Will had an idea many years ago – an idea which he shared with me. I now know that idea as Q|Nav.
They listened when your ideas for the courts sounded non-traditional. They looked into things when court-appointed lawyers would not. They used a multi-faceted approach to solve a serious judicial error and are close to overturning my conviction.
In my case, the law and statutes are clear and the legislature’s intent behind the statutes is unargued. Still, the trial court won’t budge. Not yet but I think they will have to soon.
I am confident in the care and effort that Mr. Hoover has, while working a case and those it encompasses. Along with my faith in the Living God, I and my family have faith in Mr. Hoover and the Q|Nav team and staff to succeed in bringing me home – and soon.
There is real hope for a life of freedom and a return to my family. My goal is to one day help Will and his team help others like me and to help seek justice for defendants and families.
Q|Nav is in the business of giving real hope and delivering results. Not fake promises. I am happy and encouraged to refer Mr. Hoover and his associates. If they choose you, consider yourself lucky.
Chris B.
“I have nothing but high regard and respect for the group of people that work at Q|Nav.”
My son was sentenced with an extensive amount of time and after going through 4 attorneys, who only took my money, had poor correspondence ethics, and basically did nothing to help my son’s case and wasted 11 years, and then I found QNAV. They are highly professional, very efficient, and have great rapport both with client and family, which for a mother that lives overseas, is something very comforting to know that I had someone that was truly interested and invested in the outcome. Great people! If you need someone to really help you, then they are who you are looking for.
“Will has been a godsend and is helping me get results.”
I was at my wits end when A wonderful person name Connie referred me to your company. My son has been wrongfully imprisoned for something he did not do. I had tried different lawyers and routes and nothing was helping him. Meanwhile, he was getting sicker and sicker in prison, which I believe was caused by life in prison chemicals, and was getting nowhere with prison contacts. Will has been a godsend and is helping me get results. It takes time, but just be patient, and this company will come through. We are still working on getting my son released. At least the people on top are listening, but I believe Will and his company will come through. So, never give up.
“We highly recommend Q|Nav for any criminal defendant or loved one who’s seeking a better, faster way home.”
Our son Doug is innocent of the crimes for which he has spent the past 24 years in prison. Doug and Will became friends about 6 years ago while incarcerated together.
Will and his QNav team started helping us while he was still a prisoner. After his commutation and subsequent parole release, he was able to build a small but powerful group of associates who help Will help us. Looking at Q|Nav’s services, we use portal 3 which covers all the day-to-day realities of Doug’s life in prison. From medical to property to custody and classification matters, visiting, and whatever comes up that needs to be dealt with within the chain of command or higher.
We call Will family because he is. He’s our brother and go to guy because he cares and he’s competent. He knows how to get things done, and often, he personally knows and enjoys credibility with the DOC staffs and management teams.
We often kid around that life after prison is just like life in prison. All days are the same. Weekends, holidays, midnights are no different than the next Monday morning. So we work this way, too. Nights, weekends, holidays – doesn’t matter. Problems and opportunities arise at all times, and our advisors must be ready. Will gets it. This was his life for 16 years, too.
Lately, we have been focusing on creative state and federal court remedies for actual innocence, as well as the juvenile early release programs, which the Supreme Court rulings have hastened.
Soon, Doug’s sentencing court county and DA will hopefully have some sort of conviction integrity investigation unit where they review past cases for errors and mistakes. In the meantime, the team is working with another special judicial advocate to secure a meeting with the DA’s office and our counsel to put together a type of joint motion. Here, the DA and the defense agree to a new settlement similar to a plea agreement – the government’s motivation being the piles of evidence which never saw light till now.
We don’t know how we will succeed, but we know we will. We highly recommend QNAV for any criminal defendant or loved one who’s seeking a better, faster way home.
“Will and his team at Q|Nav and a few outside team members have figured out how to use the laws and constitution to prove that my son should never have stood trial or signed a plea.”
My name is Alice. My husband and I hired Will and his QNAV team to help our son with an extremely difficult set of circumstances.
A homicide case is hard to beat, especially when the facts of the actual event are unargued. My four other children and I have been working relentlessly to get some legal body to hear our concerns about how our son – and brother – was illegally prosecuted due to mental health incompetency.
Facing a possible death penalty prosecution, the DA and our Public Defender coerced my son into a plea agreement with a life sentence without the possibility of parole. Had he gone to trial, the outcome could not have been worse and due to mitigations, the sentence might have been a term as low as 48 years with the possibility of parole, and even the possibility of completing 24 years and becoming parole eligible.
The truth was and remains hat the death penalty was not an option – the governor had frozen its application and subsequently another administration abolished the death penalty altogether.
We were told by counsel that the plea agreement could not be appealed or vacated, but we were misled as to the lifetime ability to argue the sentencing structure – a statutory right you never give up.
Like I said earlier, ours is a very difficult case, but not impossible. Will and his team at Q|Nav and a few outside team members have figured out how to use the laws and constitution to prove that my son should never have stood trial or signed a plea. His investigative and research team are amazing, going deep in search of truth where nobody else even thought of.
Over the past year, Will and his team have given us light and hope we didn’t know existed. Right now the evidence in our favor is overwhelming. If the district and appellate court deny us, then the federal court will hear our case with a close to perfect petition.
The ultimate solution for us probably rests with the district court’s conviction integrity unit and/or the governor’s sentence commutation. We will see.
Unlike many of Will’s clients, we have no deadlines and aren’t in any hurry. We’d rather get it right and let the team use their expertise, brains, and contacts to achieve our goal of someday bringing my son home. We absolutely expect to achieve this.
I and my adult children highly recommend Will and his group to anyone seeking special treatment, care, and intelligence to achieve very difficult goals.
My other four children, all professionals, are readily available and eager to provide their own account of Will’s character and hard work for their brother.
Thank you for listening. I hope and pray that your family keeps hope, as well.
“Mr. Hoover and his team from Q|Nav have been working continually to investigate various aspects of our son’s trial and appeal hearing to expedite his release.”
Our son, a 36 year old man, is incarcerated at Buena Vista Prison in Colorado. After his cellmate, Will Hoover, was released from prison, we have begun a working relationship with him with the goal of reviewing his case with the hope of a new hearing on our son’s behalf. There are several potential grounds, including inadequate legal representation, that could lead to a new hearing.
Mr. Hoover and his team from Q|Nav have been working continually to investigate various aspects of our son’s trial and appeal hearing to expedite his release.
We have had continual contact with Mr. Hoover as he updates us on his team’s progress. Some of these conversations have been for the purpose of gathering pertinent information from us.
We appreciate all the expertise that Mr. Hoover and his team have employed on behalf of our son.
“We enthusiastically recommend Mr. Hoover and Q|Nav to any defendant and family and are happy to talk with anyone who has questions or concerns.”
We are brothers two years apart in age. At 18, just a couple of weeks after his birthday, my brother and best friend Fred was arrested for a murder he did not commit.
The police interrogated Fred for 11 hours straight and did not allow our Dad to be there with him. Fred didn’t want a lawyer, he was innocent. “Why do I need a lawyer?” Fred’s coerced false confession ruined all of our lives – our family crumbled.
Fred met Mr. Hoover almost 20 years ago as they entered the prison system together. Abraham became close with him on my behalf, about 18 months ago in 2020 upon Will’s release.
For about 14 years, Fred relied upon court appointed lawyers for postconviction motions in state and federal courts. Then, even though at different prisons hundreds of miles apart, Will and his assistant Robin collected all of my records with Abraham’s help.
Our first action in district court was a postconviction action alleging Ineffective Assistance of Counsel. This was Fred’s 3rd such petition and was ruled as successive and therefore denied.
Currently on appeal because we have the facts and law on our side, we expect the appellate or supreme court to grant the relief requested and set an evidentiary hearing.
Simultaneously, Will and his team are perfecting Fred’s meritorious early parole release plan due to the age limits for juvenile’s rising from 17 to 25. The law here says that if a defendant has a life without parole sentence, he doesn’t qualify for any type of early release program, no matter how young – unless a juvenile when the crime was allegedly committed.
So, QNAV is meeting with Fred’s trial court DA in conjunction with a special joint motion action to do one simple thing, to change his sentence to a determinate period so he will qualify for the state legislature’s early release program. Once home, we can continue to fight for a pardon from the governor if we can finally secure the DNA and blood serology. Mr. Hoover’s team will lead us through all of this too.
Our family and Will’s are forever bonded. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do for him and we know he and his key associates feel the same for us. We enthusiastically recommend Mr. Hoover and QNAV to any defendant and family and are happy to talk with anyone who has questions or concerns.
Thank you for considering our friends to help you.
“My plea is patently illegal. We will succeed vacating this terrible deal. I will go to trial with Mr. Hoover’s team and his counsel’s partnership with my lawyer in my state.”
I am incarcerated in a southwestern state DOC facility. In 2003, I was arrested for a crime I did commit. As a black man in this state my rights for equal protection are almost nonexistent. My two codefendants went to trial and received minor sentences. My public defender insisted that I plea.
This sounds crazy, I know but I plead to a 110-year combined sentence for a non-capital, non-homicide crime – most sentences running consecutively. Now, all these years later I finally have proof that had I gone to trial on the charges the DA presented my maximum sentence would have been 32 years.
Still, nobody seems to care or correct this illegal process. Habitual criminal rules were illegally applied, and it’s been impossible to fix this through all of the motions I and my family have filed with the district and state superior court. My wife met Mr. Hoover through a private and criminal case investigator.
Unfortunately, my clemency petition was already completed and on its way to the board and governor at the same time. We thought that the court actions were basically exhausted. Now, we know we aren’t even close.
While Mr. Hoover and his team weren’t able to rush in and amend the clemency petition (too late), he found a way to file a post – conviction action in my trial court. My plea is patently illegal. We will succeed vacating this terrible deal. I will go to trial with Mr. Hoover’s team and his counsel’s partnership with my lawyer in my state.
Another person in Q|Nav is navigating a path for the governor to cosign with the prosecuting DA a proportionality review and relief which would make my sentence a total of 32 years and with good time, I’ll be home in another year or two.
If this plan fails to any substantial degree, Mr. Hoover and QNAV’s key lawyer will personally travel to my state and negotiate a joint motion with the current DA to correct my sentence. The local TV stations will be delivered a media package to tell my story in the court of public opinion.
We prisoners know that daily life is the same old beat – the same old routine. Weekends, holidays, late nights and 8 -5s are all the same to us. Mr. Hoover lived this life as long as I have.
He and his team understand Sunday nights are when we can talk. The days and nights are all the same to him and his partners, too. Soon, I will be home with my wife and family. Mr. Hoover first reduced our fee to “lunch money”, then eliminated our payments altogether because we are going through a really rough patch. We know that once home and working, we will love every minute trying to repay him.
We are so grateful for Mr. Hoover. Because of what he is doing for us, life will once again become full of real hope and promise.
“Will and his team of lawyers and investigators are literally the A-team when it comes to having an advocate on your side!”
What can I say about Will Hoover and his team at Q|Nav? First, I want you to know you have a bulldog on your team now.
Will is relentless and will stop at nothing until he finds the smoking gun in your case. If you are reading this, then you are already considering signing with Q|Nav. I can tell you from firsthand experience that you would do well for yourself by putting your faith in this team.
Over the last year, Will and his team have worked on my case diligently, effectively, and completely. I was recently shown my 35(a) and 35(c) brief, and I signed them over to be filed on my behalf. My whole family and I are extremely impressed with the thorough research that went into this process, as well as the competence, professionalism, and friendly nature of Will and his team.
I know Will’s methods and relentless research have worked in the past. There was a man in my cell block that was serving an “indeterminate” sentence, and after Will’s team worked on the case, it came to light that the prosecution missed a key piece of evidence. That man was exonerated, and I actually watched him walk out of the prison gates a totally free man because Will and his team would not take no for an answer!
If relief in your case is important, then all I can say is that Will and his team of lawyers and investigators are literally the A-team when it comes to having an advocate on your side!
I wouldn’t put my trust in anyone other than Will and his Q|Nav team.
“This company is here to help and assist you professionally from top to bottom.”
Q|Nav’s service has been exemplary from the very beginning. Regardless of your situation, you will have help from professionals who actually understand the side of an inmate or defendant. The people of Q|Nav care about your situation due to the fact that its Founder Will Hoover has done time and has experience with the legal system; therefore, he knows exactly what your frustrations are all about, because he has been there. I had an important inmate property issue to deal with and as an inmate couldn’t get anything done. Q|Nav stepped in and rectified my property issue.
As a defendant, Q|Nav has helped as well by lining up legal assistance for me to hire and helping me figure out what steps to take going forward.
If you need investigative services (like I have), Q|Nav can provide you with some of the top private investigators in the state. I have benefitted from this service as Q|Nav’s P.I.s have uncovered new evidence in my case.
Q|Nav has worked tirelessly helping prepare and advocate for my executive clemency and sentencing commutation petition as well as constructing district court sentencing reform relief. Upon the results, I will update my testimonial with even more appreciation for Will and his team of caring and competent advisors.
This company is here to help and assist you professionally from top to bottom. Will Hoover’s Q|Nav has a cause and that is to get its clients results. Highly recommended!
“This level of caring can only come from someone who truly understands this world.”
In 2018, our son accepted a plea deal and was sentenced to 17 years. He was 20 years old. The sentence was excessive, and our son did not receive the counsel he really needed and deserved. It was not until we met Will Hoover and the Q|Nav team, that our family and our son have hope for sentence relief.
We contacted Will initially, to help us understand a secondary case and charges filed against our son while incarcerated. From the moment we started the conversation, we knew the Q/Nav team had the experience, commitment, and the personal knowledge needed to navigate and advocate for our family.
We got the legal advice to assist our son in gaining the best outcome for his recent charges, and more importantly, Will began to focus on the primary case, building an expert team of top criminal attorneys, researching and gathering all court records and discovery, and preparing to file several post-conviction motions.
Will and the Q|Nav team provide timely updates and reach out directly to our son, giving him confidence for the very first time, that he will be well represented and have the best opportunity for sentence relief.
Beyond the legal pursuits, Will knows the world of the inmate, their families, and the day-to-day struggles to simply survive. His goal for our son is to provide mentorship and encouragement, to lay the groundwork for him to move to lower custody levels in his current situation. Will has opened the door for us to communicate with prison staff for medications, property, and the ongoing issues with commissary shortages. This level of caring can only come from someone who truly understands this world. We are blessed to have him and the Q|Nav team working alongside our family, every day.
Our lives are changed because of the relationship we’ve forged with Will Hoover and the team. We are hopeful and inspired as we do the work to bring our son home, and to fight for criminal justice reform on a broader scale. Highly recommend Will and Q|Nav.
Kim and Roger
“From my first conversation with you, my case began to move forward and real progress was made.”
After many years of fighting for justice in my case involving many motions, appeals, and petitions, and getting nowhere other than door after door being slammed in my face by an indifferent judicial system, I finally have hope that with the help of Q|Nav I will be able to make real progress at last. From my first conversation with you, my case began to move forward and real progress was made. This progress has given me new peace of mind that I have not experienced with anyone else I have worked with thus far. For the incarcerated individual to experience the gift of peace is something both rare and precious. Thank you!
Will, you have been amazing with your loving spirit in evidence from the very first day we met back in 2016. You have experienced both sides of the concertina wire and so are uniquely positioned to understand the impact of incarceration upon those who find themselves enmeshed within its tangles and folds. Hopelessness is always just around the corner. But since your arrival in my life, I’ve begun to allow myself to believe that this long nightmare might in fact some day end. Both of the times you came to see and talk with me your Godly spirit was both felt and deeply appreciated. Being a God-seeker myself, I was deeply moved by your human warmth that had its genesis in the same deep well from which I daily draw.
You have done everything you said you would do to help me. My family has also shared with me that all of their communications with you have been a pure joy and they, as I, feel that if there ever was a chance at my experiencing justice it will be delivered through the agency of the Q|Nav team. I am looking forward to our future work together. My prayer is that the God we serve will continue to steer you in all the right directions not only in my case but all the numerous others you have committed yourself to advancing. Thank you again for all that you have done.
Your brother in Christ,
“I had to negotiate and navigate ALL THREE [branches] for ultimate release success.”
There’s an old saying that goes something like, “A fool has himself for a lawyer.” Like most cliches or words of wisdom, there are exceptions.
I am Will Hoover, former criminal defendant, and prisoner (16 calendars) and founder of Q|Nav.
With the help of two key lawyers, one paralegal, one assistant, and the leadership of one amazing daughter, I successfully represented myself with pro se motions, appeals, and executive actions.
My 100-year sentence was reduced to 50 in 2008. My 50-year sentence was reduced to time served of 16 years in 2019. 16% of original sentence. My 5-year parole period was terminated after exactly 1 year of service. Because of this alone, I am able to launch and boldly advocate for you, to WIN for you.
In my case, while I got very close to appellate relief in direct appeals and postconviction actions, there was always something wrong – so I kept losing.
As we know the federal government and each of our states depend on a three-party governing system: legislative, judicial, and executive. What seemed to take forever but in hindsight makes sense is this. I had to negotiate and navigate ALL THREE for ultimate release success.
The judicial branch is where we all file our motions and postconviction petitions. The legislative branch is where we beg sponsors to change statutes which are unfair and sometimes just plain illegal. Finally, the executive branch is all centered around the president of the U.S. or each state’s governor. This is where omnipotent power resides. Nowhere else.
My point is this: Q|Nav’s job is to master all three elements for the best interest of our client and his or her family. To NEVER GIVE UP. We didn’t for me and won’t for you.
Thank you for taking a look at our story and what has become the Q|Nav of today. We are honored and privileged to try to help you.
Will Hoover
Contact us to request a free and confidential consultation.
Q|Nav, LLC | Will Hoover
PO Box 8928
Surprise, AZ 85374
The Point at Inverness
8310 South Valley Hwy, Ste. 300
Centennial, CO 80112
Email: contact∂
Phone: 720-530-7581
The Pitch at The Wharf
800 Main Street, Ste. 200
Washington DC 20024
Email: contact∂
Phone: 720-530-7581