helping people like you navigate the united states criminal justice systemServices
We have been there, and we are passionate about helping you and your family achieve early release options and navigate post-conviction remedies.
What to Expect
Due to our unique process and skill set, we are selective about our clients. We make partnerships based upon the highest probability of success in reaching our clients’ stated goals.
We’re proud to offer a la carte services to give our clients as much flexibility as possible when working toward early release options. Once we begin our partnership, you and your family will benefit from a simple fee agreement structure. We’ll cost out your project and you’ll pay a moderate retainer and monthly fee until your goals are met. In general, clients can expect a six-month life cycle until completion of the mission.
Although we ask for a retainer and a monthly fee, our number one priority is helping each client achieve his or her goals. We don’t want our services to be cost prohibitive, so flexible payment options may be available on a case-by-case basis.
Click the button below to request a free, no-obligation, completely confidential consultation with a member of our team.

Our Process follows a pathway of 7 portals.

Q1: The Beginning
In this stage, we assist criminal defendants and their families with:
● Attorney selection
● Investigative and research services
● Relevant advocates and activists
● Expert testimony grading
● Jury selection
● Family therapeutic counselor referrals in psychiatry, psychology, and family law
Q1’s primary objective is to provide the client with abundant preparation regarding non-legal and traditional avenues of pretrial and pre-plea strategic planning.
Q2: Conviction & Sentencing
The time between trial (plea), conviction, and sentencing is often an especially challenging experience for defendants and their loved ones.
The Q2 portal walks clients and their families through what to expect for prisoners and their family members, both individually and as a unit.
High-quality counseling, therapy, health and medical advocates, and jail/prison facility specialists will be available to answer questions and provide support.
Our objective for Q2 is to streamline the trial, conviction, and sentencing process for the defendant and his or her family and minimize stress and confusion.

Q3: Incarceration
Upon the defendant’s entry into a jail or prison facility, a new routine and way of life begins to take shape for both the prisoner and his or her family members. The inmate and loved ones find themselves navigating hurdles that are unfamiliar and often overwhelming.
The Q3 portal exists to address the list of distinct yet often-overlapping problematic possibilities, which include:
- Custody Level
- Parole Preparation
- Classification
- Housing
- Religious Practices
- Outside Communication (phone, mail, legal mail)
- Mental Health
- Diet Requirements
- IA and AR Administrative Sanctions
- Medical Needs
- Physical Safety
- Disciplinary Matters
- Education
- Language Interpreters
- Legal Assistance
- Civil Rights
- Exercise Availability
- Visiting
- Work Placement
- Facility Transferse
- Interstate Compact and Treaty Transfers
In most cases, the inmate and his or her family are unfamiliar with life in prison and have little to no authority or power when it comes to navigating the rules and chain of command. That’s where we come in: we advocate for our clients (and the families) as if we were in their shoes.

Q4: Post-Conviction
Post-Conviction state and federal court petitions, clemency/commutation/pardon, early, meritorious and special needs-compassionate parole at the executive level, conviction integrity units, joint proportionality motions, and statutory relief.
The Q4 portal is led by knowledgeable and experienced staff who perform fully integrated, full-service, and highly specialized legal, judicial, legislative and executive office.
Within this portal, we prepare court motions, actions, pleadings, petitions and briefs, which are then submitted through our legal professionals. Each of our legal experts work in conjunction with consulting authorities for all other forms of remedies at the judicial, legislative, or executive levels of state and federal government.
Q5: Pre-Release, Re-Entry, and Post-Release
Many inmates and their families are surprised to discover that leaving incarceration is often as challenging as entering. The experience you have largely depends upon the length of time you have served, but expect to meet obstacles along the way regardless of how long you were incarcerated.
Q5 exists to help ease the transition from prison back into society and the family. Our team members will work closely with you to navigate every conceivable need you and your family face as you depart from life in prison. Although many state and federal facilities offer pre-release preparation programs, the gap between departure and parole, probation, community corrections, intensive supervision programs, or some combination of restricted liberty is extraordinary. Challenges rise exponentially for clients who are saddled with sustaining warrants, detainers, or continued litigation in any form. Q5 aims to combat these problems through coaching and action. We’re here to help each of our clients and their families navigate the intricacies of parole/probation meetings, attaining housing, securing employment, medical and therapeutic facilities, transportation alternatives, and more.

Q6: Juvenile Criminal Compartment
Q6 incorporates services from Q1 through Q5 with the objective of assisting youth and their families navigate the criminal proceeding system. Our primary goal is to keep youth out of the “system” whenever possible. We provide guidance for youth and their families regarding attorney selection, public defender or alternative defense counsel management, pre-trial and pre-plea planning and consultation.
We ensure that youthful alleged offenders receive intensive deterrence training, restorative justice and family rekindling training, as well as whatever else the individual case calls for.
It is our hope that families participate along with the youth, and we offer programs involving:
- Family Therapeutic Counseling
- Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation
- Housing
- Employment
- Reentry Management
Additionally, we provide specialized programs independently designed to provide any and all mentorship and guidance necessary to remove the criminal option forward.
We pay special considerations to the Hispanic/Latino and African American communities in our quest to be as inclusive as possible. With these communities in mind, we have staff-contained translation services available for our Spanish-speaking clients. We also have alliances within the African American and Native American communities so we can advocate to the best of our ability and provide personalized plans tailored to these communities’ needs.
All other language and cultural community translation and cultural services are contracted on a case-by-case basis.
Q7: Legislative Causes
The legislative portal is a crucial piece of our overall mission for charging and sentencing reform, leading to far more equitable punishment than presently exists in most state and federal court systems. Our experience and research have revealed an alarming truth: that all too often, the preliminary proceedings, trial or plea process, are a direct result of the actual charges either bound over for trial or used as foundation for a plea.
We believe that in large numbers of cases with percentages in the 35%-50% range or higher, the actual charges and counts are either wrong statutorily or constitutionally. Further, we believe that stacking and overcharging presents serious roadblocks for a defendant’s fair and unbiased defense. Incorrect and overcharging results in inappropriate and disproportionate sentencing. Often, in appeals and postconviction efforts, courts are uninterested or legally unable to correct the misapplication of charging statutes whether state or federal.
Our legislative portal aims to expedite remedies in three distinct ways.
- Assisting defense lawyers with statutory facts and interpretations with the goal of achieving accurate charging, thereby leading to accurate sentencing.
- Conducting extensive research into the intent of the charging statute in question. Here, we dig deep to determine the state’s legislative body’s actual and specific purpose for a particular statute. House and Senate bills originate from sponsored legislation, often without robust debate and discussion prior to enactment. All too often, the legislators themselves are not knowledgeable as to how prosecutors and courts manipulate the intent of the charging statute. Unfortunately, many defense lawyers fall short of possessing an adequate understanding, as well.
- Statutory revision, amendment, modification, construction, destruction, and modernization. Our goal is to accelerate the process of equity and fairness for all criminal defendants through law changes at the source, advocating for retroactivity for amendatory legislation that proves favorable to the defendant.
Q8: Veterans and Government Affairs/Benefits
Our informal research and experience tell us that about 15% – 20% of our criminal defendant clients have served our country in the armed forces in one capacity or another.
All clients experience government benefits pursuits, and often problems – sometimes serious. Child support payments in arrears can literally ruin a father’s life. IRS issues. Educational loans. The list goes on and on. We help guide you and your family to minimize problems and maximize positive outcomes in every imaginable government agency type of interaction.
Regarding VA matters, sometimes, the vital matters of discharge take center stage, as on occasion, vets have been discharged with other than honorable classifications. So, if our work needs to begin here, it does indeed. We are highly experienced in gaining honorable discharge status when possible and appropriate.
Phase 1: While incarcerated. Defendants and loved ones want to know and deserve to know precisely what is available to them in the form of benefits for themselves, their children, and their family members. Knowing is only part of the equation. Doing—actually taking the necessary steps—is where we also come on board. Walking you through the paperwork, making the right contacts, and managing the process is all part of your success.
Phase 2: Upon societal reentry.
Exiting prison can be daunting, but various federal and state benefits aim to support individuals’ reentry into society. These programs offer crucial resources for a smoother transition from financial aid to employment assistance.
Federal Benefits:
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Provides nutrition assistance to low-income individuals and families, including those recently released from prison.
- Medicaid: Offers healthcare coverage to eligible individuals, ensuring access to essential medical services.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Provides cash assistance to disabled or elderly individuals with limited income and resources. - Veterans Benefits: Veterans returning from incarceration may access various benefits, including healthcare, education, and vocational rehabilitation services.
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC): Encourages employers to hire individuals from certain target groups, such as ex-felons, by providing tax incentives.
State Benefits:
- Reentry Programs: Many states offer reentry programs that provide assistance with employment, housing, and healthcare to individuals transitioning from incarceration to community living.
- Vocational Training Programs: State-funded vocational training programs help ex-offenders gain skills and qualifications for employment opportunities in various industries.
- Housing Assistance: Some states provide housing assistance or vouchers to help individuals secure stable housing upon release.
- Substance Abuse Treatment Programs: Many states offer substance abuse treatment programs to support individuals struggling with addiction, addressing underlying issues contributing to criminal behavior.
- Mental Health Services: Access to mental health services is crucial for individuals dealing with mental health challenges post-release. States may offer counseling, therapy, and psychiatric care.
Conclusion: Federal and state benefits play a crucial role in supporting individuals as they reintegrate into society after incarceration. By providing access to essential resources such as healthcare, housing, employment assistance, and substance abuse treatment, these programs aim to reduce recidivism rates and promote successful reentry outcomes. However, continued efforts to expand and improve these benefits are essential to ensuring that individuals have the support they need to rebuild their lives and become productive members of their communities. Q|Nav is prepared to assist exiting offenders the proper way to acquire these benefits. Q|Nav is continually expanding its resource database to include newly added resources and organizations eager to help incarcerated and ex-offenders.=
Contact us to request a free and confidential consultation.
Q|Nav, LLC | Will Hoover
PO Box 8928
Surprise, AZ 85374
The Point at Inverness
8310 South Valley Hwy, Ste. 300
Centennial, CO 80112
Email: contact∂qnav-llc.com
Phone: 720-530-7581
The Pitch at The Wharf
800 Main Street, Ste. 200
Washington DC 20024
Email: contact∂qnav-llc.com
Phone: 720-530-7581